Benefit of Implementing Web Alert in Webpages
Table of Contents
- Web Alert
- SentryPage
Web Alert
Web Alert tool allows us to monitor any website for changes we wish to be notified upon any change that happens. As we already know, the changes may be caused by our administrator or user.
Usual changes such as a login, a form post, content change, or password prompt from users shall be ignored; meaning the web already works as it should be.
Installing a web alert shall help by notifying us about certain information that we consider important. We can also check if our own website is currently online and working correctly (as a testing form of User Interface and web monitoring).
From all types of website changes, the website defacement is the change that shall alert us. As the word deface itself explains, cybercriminals (or we call 'defacer') change the images or text on the compromised web page or website. It is comparable to drawing graffiti without permission; although defacement only happens virtually on websites.
Website defacement can be a serious threat. After all, your site’s visitors will have a bad experience when visiting a defaced website. No wonder the most attacked page is the homepage –the most visited page. Resulting in a bad image on our website acting as 'face'.
Defacement is so important and critical to be known as soon as possible. In some scenarios, though, a change may be critical for the whole team who would benefit from being the first to know about it immediately.
That is what a web alert tool such as Sentry Page is for.
SentryPage facilitates its user to add another relevant user for a specific page. By adding them, such an additional user could access a particular page within SentryPage system. Also, the user shall receive an email notification when a web page is being critical-alerted.
SentryPage able to track visual or HTML changes. But the most important change to be monitored is website defacement. This harmful change push SentryPage to alerts us via email.
As abovementioned, some changes are not that critical to respond fastly. SentryPage helps user in classifying changes into critical and non-critical. Administrator and additional users shall feel at ease in finding the critical one.
Here are three (3) small steps in implementing web alert:
- Decide the web page you as admin/user want to keep an eye on.
- Input the URL of the page you want to track or monitor for defacement. You can use the bulk import function for multiple URL. Setting up a web alert in less than 1 minute. It is quite easy.
- Assign your colleague in collaborating to monitor critical change/defacement.
You all shall receive an email contains an alert when a bad thing defaces those webpages under your supervising and responsibilities. The higher the checking frequency, the faster we know the defacement. The frequency of checking could be determined by the monitoring service you choose in the Subscription Plan.
As the Plan shows, we enable individual and business to automate site monitoring. The cost is relatively small compared to a damaged reputation. It is part of our effort in managing the risk (possibility of bad thing happens).
Finding the reason why defacer behaves like that is never-ending thinking activity and provide no result. Instead of consuming resource like that, we shall focus on monitoring our webpages through a web alert tool like SentryPage.
Last but not least, let's update ourselves with the latest security tools in form of website monitoring as served by SentryPage. An easy and elegant tool for preventing website defacement destroy our site and reputation.