Defacement on Education Site
Defacement occurs indiscriminately, recently one of the sites of educational institutions in the United States of America (USA) has become a victim. The incident occurred in the afternoon before the school received a number of reports from parents. For about an hour, all the pages on the site were filled with insults and racism.
This attack caused the site to be filled with inappropriate words which were certainly not in accordance with educational values (such as, no hate and no racism). Of course, due to the defacement, public users can not access the site.
This digital vandalism makes students feel uncomfortable about it. Several students also feel shocked when hearing the incident and directly access the homepage. Even some parents feel insecure about the safety of their children at that time. Many of the parents regret that this happened. Both of the categories push the school to take action and responsibilities as soon as possible.
Because the incident takes time up to one hour, it is quite terrifying to the school image and inhibits visitors from getting information about the educational institution.
Fortunately, the school was able to quickly restore the site to its original state.
Upon defacing one or several pages, defacers tend to leave their digital identity. Besides the consistent and recognisable name, icon, or visual threats, defacers leave attack signatures as their traces. Attack signatures are often a weapon for defacers in carrying out their actions.
SentryPage can help an educational institution to detect defacement in the event of an attack on your site. SentryPage is able to scan not only for the homepage as the main landing page but also for all web pages.
Scanning is able to be conducted up to 12 times per hour. Meaning, a defacement incident must not take longer than 5 minutes. Because for every critical change, SentryPage shall send an alert to us via email. Thus you can immediately recover the educational site from the attack.
You can explore our free trial that lasts for 30-days.